For a full and up-to-date copy of my CV, please get in touch!


2022 Ph.D in Sociology, Lund University, Sweden.

Pass obtained at public defense of doctoral thesis on 2022-06-16. Examining Committee: Ron Eyerman, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Lund University; Håkan Thörn, Professor of Sociology, University of Gothenburg; Adrienne Sörbom, Professor of Sociology, Södertörn University. Opponent: Emma Engdahl, Professor of Sociology, Karlstad University. 

2015 MSc in Welfare Policies and Management with a major in Sociology, Lund University, Sweden

2013 BA in Sociology, Boston College, United States


2023-present Post-Doc, Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University

2022-2023 Temporary University Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Lund University

2017-2022 Doctoral Student, Department of Sociology, Lund University

2015-2017 Reserach Assistant within the Research on Everyday Life at School Research Group, Department of Sociology, Lund University


Flaherty, C. (2023). Action Dilemmas in Prefigurative Politics: Making Prefiguration Feasible in Sweden. Social Movement Studies, 1-17.

Flaherty, C. (2023). Creating and Maintaining Free Spaces in the Radical Left. Mobilization, 28 (2), 249-265.


Flaherty, C. (2022). A Politics of Community: Identity, Stigma, and Meaning in the Extra-Parliamentary Left [Doctoral Dissertation]. Department of Sociology, Lund University.


Flaherty, C. (2022). Alfred Schütz—Fenomenologisk sociologi (Alfred Schutz—Phenomenological Sociology). In Eklund, L. & Isenberg, B. (Eds.), Sociologins klassiker: Upptäckter och återupptäckter (pp. 353-368). Studentlitteratur AB: Lund.


Hetzler, A., Andersson, P., & Flaherty, C. (2018). Vad händer med kvinnodominerade yrken? Utsatthet inom läraryrket och socionomyrket (What is happening in women-dominated professions? Vulnerability within teaching and social work). Lund: Bokbox Förlag.


Hetzler, A., & Flaherty, C. (2017). Guaranteeing Social Rights and Regulating the Public Sector. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 4(1), 25-51 

Teaching Experience

Over 1800 hours, including lecturing, supervision, computer labs, seminars, examination, and course development. 

Main Teaching Areas

Social Psychology, Quantitative Methods, Organizational Sociology, Cultural Sociology, Qualitative Methods

Selected Course Involvements

SOCA09- Continuation Course with a focus on Social Psychology and Cultural Sociology (Bachelor level, 30 higher education credits). Department of Sociology, Lund University. Helped develop the overall course plan, the course literature, and was responsible for teaching in both the classic and modern theory sections as well as the method sections (focusing primarily on digital methods and ethnography) of the course.

SOCA 30- Social Psychology: Introduction to the Study of Social Interactions (Bachelor level, 30 higher education credits). Department of Sociology, Lund University. Lecturing, Seminars, Computer Labs, and Examination.

SOPA45- Social Work: Perspectives on Social Problems and Interventions (Bachelor’s Level, 15 higher education credits). Seminars, Supervision, and Examination.

SOCA83- Continuation Course in Criminology (Bachelor Level, 30 higher education credits). Department of Sociology, Lund University. Lecturing, Seminars, and Examination.

SOCA20- Sociology: Introduction (Bachelor level, 30 higher education credits). Department of Sociology, Lund University. Lecturing, Seminars, and Examination.

GNVA33- Gender Studies: Gender, Society, and Identity (Bachelor Level, 30 higher education credits). Department of Gender Studies, Lund University. Lecturing, Seminars, and Examination.

2SO30E—Bachelor’s Thesis (15 higher education credits). Department of Social Studies, Linnaeus University. Supervised 6 Bachelor’s theses during the 2020 fall semester. 

Panels and Invited Talks

September 2024. Workshop, "Writing a Doctoral Thesis", Faculty of Social Sciences, Lund University.

September 2023. Panel Presenter, "Big Decisions in Your PhD Journey." Department of Sociology, Lund University.

May 2023. Panel Presenter, "Hope and Solidarity." Cultural Sociological Symposium, Uppsala University. 

September 2022. Invited Presenter, Civil Society, Social Movement, and Resistance Research. Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg. 

Conference Contributions

2022 Becoming Autonomous: Socialization, Recruitment, and the Radical Left. Nordic Sociological Association 30th Annual Conference, August 10-12, Reykjavik, Iceland (presenter).


2022 Creating Free Spaces: Self-Segregation in the Radical Left, Sociologidagarna, March 16-18, Uppsala, Sweden (presenter).


2021 Separating the Future: Socialism, Valuation and Conflict, 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association, August 31- September 3, Barcelona, Spain (presenter—digitally).


2017 Norms in Action: The Individual Student in the School Climate, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting 2017, August 12-15, Montreal, Canada (presenter).


2015 Guaranteeing Social Rights and Regulating the Public Sector, 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, August 25-28, Prague, Czech Republic (presenter). 


English- Native

Swedish- Fluent

Danish- Professional Working Proficiency