If you would like a copy of any of my publications, please get in touch!
Monographs and Books
Flaherty, C. (2022). A Politics of Community: Identity, Stigma, and Meaning in the Extra-Parliamentary Left [Doctoral Dissertation]. Department of Sociology, Lund University.
Hetzler, A., Andersson, P., & Flaherty, C. (2018). Vad händer med kvinnodominerade yrken? Utsatthet inom läraryrket och socionomyrket (What is happening in women-dominated professions? Vulnerability within teaching and social work). Lund: Bokbox Förlag.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Flaherty, C. (2023). A Curious Sociology. Sociologisk Forskning, 60(2), 151-154.
Flaherty, C. (2023). Action Dilemmas in Prefigurative Politics: Making Prefiguration Feasible in Sweden. Social Movement Studies, 1-17.
Flaherty, C. (2023). Creating and Maintaining Free Spaces in the Radical Left. Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 28(2), 249-265.
Hetzler, A., & Flaherty, C. (2017). Guaranteeing Social Rights and Regulating the Public Sector. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 4(1), 25-51.
Book Chapters
Flaherty, C. (2022). Alfred Schütz—Fenomenologisk sociologi (Alfred Schutz—Phenomenological Sociology). In Eklund, L. & Isenberg, B. (Eds.), Sociologins klassiker: Upptäckter och återupptäckter (pp. 353-368). Studentlitteratur AB: Lund.
Papers Under Review/Working Papers
Flaherty, C. The Limits of Reciprocity. Under Review.
Flaherty, C. Towards a Cultural Repertoire of Populism in Denmark: Nostalgia and Disengagement. Under Review.
Flaherty C. & Plough Petersen, K. Traveling Concepts and Scandinavian Exceptionalism. Abstract Accepted for Special Issue, Planned Publication Spring 2025.
Horn, L., Flaherty, C., & Plough Petersen, K. Meeting the Moral Other: Focus Group Methods and Intersectionality. Abstract Accepted for Special Issue, Planned Publication Fall 2025.
Flaherty, C. Epistemic Habits of Right-wing Populists. Under Review.
Flaherty, C. Seeking Change through Stigma: Stigma-Seeking, Charismatic Action, and Public Arenas. Presented at Cultural Space at Lund University on April 2023.
Flaherty, C. Public Transportation: Free Space, Public Space, or Place? Presented at Workshop on Innocuous Spaces at the University of Bern in October 2024.